Thursday, January 5

White Coat Syndrome

Well, it turns out I have "white coat syndrome", apparently that's a fear of doctors......I knew that. I hate doctors.

Let me explain, I had to sign up for a new benefit package at work, new insurance, health coverage, shit like that. I opted for additional life insurance. I did not know this at the time, but I needed a physical for that.

Today a nurse came by the house to give me said physical. First thing she did was ask if my folks were still alive, how old they were, any major problems......shit like that for a medical history. She then broke out the blood pressure tester. She tested it, and asked if I had a history of high blood pressure, I said no, but in the past I have done this and the doctors have asked me if I was nervous, I said yes. She then explained to me what "white coat syndrome" is. Well, my blood pressure was high. The nurse said, we will wait for a little while. She took some blood, made me piss in a cup, height, weight, the normal crap. Took my blood pressure again and presto.......normal, well she said it was a little high, but well within norms. She then advised me that "white coat syndrome" has been verified and is real. It is the dread fear of doctors, dentists, etc......

I have it. Now, I do not fear doctors or dentists for fear of my life, it's not that bad, but, I don't like them. Don't like them enough for it to affect my blood pressure, LOL. I knew that. I will go to the doctor or dentist if I am in pain. That said. But, no pain, feeling regular, I'm gold. The lady on the other hand, she is at the fucking doctor 2-3 times a month sometimes. She thinks I should be that way........fuck that.

Well, the nurse did tell me that my smoking is taking a toll, and I should stop, my lung capacity is low for my age. I am cutting down. I have not gotten the blood results back yet, she said that would take about a week. I'm hopeful. I hope I don't have diabetes , I eat what I want and am overweight. I have read about the symptoms and have not had any, but, you never know. I'll wait and see.

She asked me how often I drink........I lied...........Of course. LOL!

Tuesday, January 3

2012 First Post!!!!!

The Holidays were ok. Went up north did Christmas with the folks. Turned out pretty good. I missed out on doing a few things with some old friends, but, otherwise we had a good time. New Years Eve was a bust, I worked. I am just waiting for spring to come. Figured I would pull some overtime at work, but, found out it has dried up......fuck!!!! Oh well. I have figured out how to set up the stereo and TV in the music room. I am looking for a desk that I used to have that will work perfect. Was going to build one until I found out how much the lumber will cost. The desk I have in mind I have seen on Craigslist for 10-15 bucks. I might still build the stereo rack/cabinet not sure yet. If I can find a cheap one somewhere I will go that route.

Picked up a few atari carts up north, I'm always on the lookout for those. Well, 7 months till the 127 sale. The lady is already talking about it. We both are looking forward to that. I have invited my folks down for it. I hope they will be able to make it this year.

Well, it's 2012. I don't feel any different. I really don't have any resolutions other than cutting down on my drinking. I'm gonna try to get blasted only once a month instead of several times a month.....LOL. We will see. I have said this in the past, and I have always broke down, I'm not an alcoholic persay, but, I do drink more than normal. I'll see how this goes.