Sunday, June 21

This made me smile

It's been awhile. Figured I would come back with something funny. Look at the pic up above. Doesn't that car look fucking hilarious!!!

Jesus, that thing looks stupid!! I can't believe how stupid and mindless these kids are now-a-days. You get some stupid celebrity, singer, etc..... glorify something in a video or on TV or something and these stupid kids lap the shit up and become mindless followers. LOL, damn this is funny. Who cares if your car looks fucking hilarious, if so an so says that it's cool....It's gotta be cool, right?

Ha, ha, ha, what a fucking tard!!!!! Ha, ha.

I pulled that pic from an add on Craigslist, the guy that owns this piece of crap is asking 9000 soemthing for it.

Boy, that guy has balls. He's gotta have them, it must take massive balls in order to get up the courage to drive that stupid looking car around town....hahaha!!!

I still can't get over it, that fucking car looks ridiculous!!!! Hahaha, even the puke colored paint looks bad, oh man. I can't stop myself.....hehehehe. Seeing this stupid looking thing really brightened my day!!!!

Hahahahahaha. Man the dude that owns this has gotta be brain dead!!!!

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