Sunday, June 28

Not A Good Week To Be Famous

They say these things always come in three's. Let me see first it was Ed McMan (spelling?) then Farrah, then Jacko.

Now we have Billy Mays Hays. He was really not a celeb in my book, but he was on TV. He's dead. I wonder who the other 2 are gonna be?

I would like to comment on Jacko passing though. He was a strange dude, but I liked a few of his songs.

He was only 50. People keep comparing him to Elvis, I think that's BS. In no way would he ever to be able to fill the Kings shoes.

Elvis was a pioneer, enough said. MJ just rode the path that Elvis paved in my oppinion. Elvis opened the door so to speak for entertainers to come decades after him. Micheal Jackson will never come anywhere near the legacy that Elvis has established.

MJ did sing some good songs though. I will give him that.

Rest In Peace all you dead celebs. You guys had a good run.

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