Thursday, March 31

It's Thursday

Nothing going on. It's Thursday. Nuff said. It's still been cold out, had some snow the other day. This weather is strange.

I have not been doing much of anything lately, just vegging in front of the tube. Got drunk off of my ass a few days ago. Something happened that day of importance I think.

See, since the bum moved down here, my girl has been having her grand kid visit and stay with us for a few days sometime. I advised her at the beginning that I was cool with that, only if it happens on weekends, when I work. Not the days I have off. Well, that has been going good up until a few days ago. See, this kid is off school for spring break. He had been with us for a week already. Now, I don't like kids. Never have. I was pretty drunk, that gave me just enough balls to be an asshole. I am usually pretty laid back. I'm a nice guy. Too nice at times I have been told. Well, I told my girl to take the little bastard home. Let his parents watch him. I was sick of dealing with the kid.

Well it has been a few days now, I don't think my girl is pissed. She has not mentioned it. I think she was waiting for me to make the decision to take the kid home. She was sick of watching him too, she just did not want to admit that to herself or the bum.

She has also been on me about smoking in the basement. I informed her that it will continue and not to bring it up ever again. I told her that the basement was mine and what I do down there is none of her business and she had better learn to accept that fact. Simple as that.

I think that is very fair. I have given the upstairs to her, she can do anything with it that she wishes and I will support her. This basement is my domain. My place. She is welcome down here at anytime.

So that's where we stand. I hope she got the idea about the fucking kid. If I wanted kids around me I would have had some by now. I hate kids, period. I got my dog, that's enough.

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