Wednesday, April 14

We Now Have A Guest Room

It's done. I finished painting the master bedroom last week, it took me all day Wed. We had the bed delivered on Friday last week. My lady finished up the guest room, and I must say, it looks really nice.

We have come to a decision about our new bed. We ain't keeping it. When we purchased it, we had no idea it sat so high. This dam bed is about 3 1/2 feet tall. My lady needs a stepping stool just to get into it. She also don't like sleeping up so high, it don't bother me, but she don't like it. It is a really nice bed, but we are going to be selling it. We are currently looking for another one. This time, my lady says, she is going to get the bed that she wants. Period. She don't care how much it costs. That's ok with me. She is saving her money to buy it, I know when she finds the one she wants, I will probably have to throw in some cash as well, but, that's alright with me. I just want her to be happy.

It's still really cool having a guest room, I have informed my folks that it is ready and that they are welcome anytime.

I'm working a new shift at work. I have to stick around there now till 0830. That sucks. I hate being around all those people. I'm a night person. I hate crowds. I have asked my boss if I could go back to leaving at 0730, he has advised me that it can't happen. So, I'm going to have to deal with it. I still only work 4 days a week, so I guess that it ain't so bad.

Opened the pool last week, man, that dam water was green. My pool guy sold me some chemicals that I dumped in there, the water is clear now. I don't have the pump on yet though. I have to replace the outlet outside that it plugs into. I have been loading that dam pool up with chlorine so the water don't go green again. I will get the outlet swapped out this week.

I have been pretty busy around the house lately. Getting shit situated for summer. I have had my yard guy out 2 times to cut the grass so far. Man that fucking grass grows fast. The yard looks good though. The lady went out and got some fruit trees that she wants to plant. A couple apple, 1 pear and a plum tree. I have no idea where she wants to plant them. I might plant then, I don't know. I will have to see how hard it is digging the first hole. I'm a lazy ass when it comes to yard work. I just might have the yard guy plant them.

I gotta say, painting that room last week, is the most manual work I have done in a long time, hehehe. I have a desk job. I am sooo out of shape. I condition I will think to change this summer. Me and the lady both want to quit smoking. I have told her that it is up to her when we start. I can't do it by myself. We may start next month.

I had to have a plummer out here last week. I left the garden hose hooked up to one of my outside faucets. It froze and broke the pipe. The pool guys turned the hose on and water started running on the floor in my garage. That got fixed. I had no idea just leaving a hose hooked up would do that. Now I do.

Well the lady is still sleeping. I cleaned up the stove for her earlier, she should be happy. I'm thinking of laying back down, I have been up all night.

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