Tuesday, January 3

2012 First Post!!!!!

The Holidays were ok. Went up north did Christmas with the folks. Turned out pretty good. I missed out on doing a few things with some old friends, but, otherwise we had a good time. New Years Eve was a bust, I worked.

So.....now I am just waiting for spring to come. Figured I would pull some overtime at work, but, found out it has dried up......fuck!!!! Oh well. I have figured out how to set up the stereo and TV in the music room. I am looking for a desk that I used to have that will work perfect. Was going to build one until I found out how much the lumber will cost. The desk I have in mind I have seen on Craigslist for 10-15 bucks. I might still build the stereo rack/cabinet not sure yet. If I can find a cheap one somewhere I will go that route.

Picked up a few atari carts up north, I'm always on the lookout for those. Well, 7 months till the 127 sale. The lady is already talking about it. We both are looking forward to that. I have invited my folks down for it. I hope they will be able to make it this year.

Well, it's 2012. I don't feel any different. I really don't have any resolutions other than cutting down on my drinking. I'm gonna try to get blasted only once a month instead of several times a month.....LOL. We will see. I have said this in the past, and I have always broke down, I'm not an alcoholic persay, but, I do drink more than normal. I'll see how this goes.

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