Wednesday, March 13

Good News

Got some good news yesterday. I received my CT scan results. The results showed no change in the spots on my liver, however the tumor in my pancreas shrank a little bit possibly. The reason I say possibly is due to the measurement point and slice they looked at. But the important thing is the results showed no growth and no spreading and possible shrinkage. Great News!!!!

The doc is very happy how things are going for me, he says my attitude could not be better and to keep doing what I'm doing. I had chemo yesterday, we are not letting up. The doc said I could have a few so I celebrated last night and got pretty drunk.

It felt real good letting off a little steam. I slept for 14 hours today, so I'm feeling pretty good. My lady couldn't be happier as well.

We have to stay on top of this beast, the doc told me yesterday of a guy that he is treating that 2 months ago his tumor shrank by 30%, but just 2 weeks later it started growing again, fast, so we can't let up.

I pray to the good lord everyday for strength, I feel that he has a plan for me. My friends and family could not be more supportive and I am very thankful they are with me. I am going to beat this beast, I will fight to my very last ounce of strength.


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