Monday, May 20

Feeling OK

I;m feeling ok today. Looks like I'm back on schedule. Didn't work last night, I slept. All night. Slept all day yesterday too. I'm getting real sick of food tasting like crap to me. I can't eat nothing.

I do not think I mentioned this, but the past couple weeks I have had alot of energy. Don't know why. Well that has subsided. No more energy, but, I did get alot of things done that needed to get done.

I opened the pool. Put everything together and it has been running for about a week now. The water had a green tint to it, I dumped some chlorine in there and now it's clean. I got some algaecide from the pool store, dumped that in there. Now the water is cloudy from all the dead algea. I talked to the pool guy, I'm gonna have him come out and vacume the bottom. It has a ton of leaves in it. So, the pool will be up to speed in about a week.

I moved the crap around in the basement and took apart that big table I built. The hard part is over now. I just have to order some boxes and crap and I will have a place to store my baseball cards when I start getting them...sweet.

Like I said. Been feeling ok. Still have a little stomach ache now and then. Boy, that stomach crap I had really sucked. It was painful as hell. Think of a real bad stomach ache that will not go away, even when you go number 2. I could not move, walk, anything. It sucked. I'm glad that it is almost gone. The DOC thinks the Tarceva I took daily caused it. He has since taken me off of it again. He's the DOC. I will do what he says. If it were not for him, I would not be here right now. I'm glad he moved my scan up to find out what was wrong with my stomach.

This food tasting like crap is starting to get the best of me. I can't stand it. I can not eat anything anymore. I made a pizza last night hoping it would taste ok.Not. Pissed me the fuck off. My lady made me some hambuger helper. That tasted ok. There was still a little metal aftertaste. But, I didn't tell her that. I can not enjoy my meals anymore. Eating was a big thing for me. I enjoyed it very it's more of a job than anything else. I can see why people in my position loose weight, why eat when it all tastes like shit. Candy and sweets still taste good but, I can't make a meal out of those. I'm finding it harder and harder to keep my weight on with food tasting like shit. The last 3 times I went to the DOC it showed a weight loss. I tired eating a Big Mac the other day.....shit. I used to love Big Macs. I forced them down.

Well, that's it for now. I gotta go to the store and pick up my MEDS. I'm never going to give up!!!!!

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