Thursday, September 30

The Target Is In Sight

Well, in a certain sense. The bum has to be out of his current house by Saturday. Today is Thursday, ha! The lady is over there helping him pack and to assist in finding a place to live in the paper!! Haha! She has not mentioned anything to me about them crashing here. She knows better.

One thing I did find out though, they are thinking of going back to scum town!!!!! answer to my prayers!!! They need to go back to where they belong. At least I know that if they go back there, I never have to worry about being bothered again. These people can barely pay for gas to get around town let alone a 9 hour car trip and they will never own a car that would make it anyways. I am looking forward to them perhaps moving back there. The bums wife's mother is back there and she is more generous than I.

I would like it to get back to normal around here, with both of my lady's worthless brood up North where they can not bother us. Christ, when the one son came to visit, I had to give them gas money, to get down here and back! That is never going to happen again.

Ya know, this is real pathetic. If they decide to go back to scum town, I will loan (give) these losers the cash. Just to be rid of them....that's sad. But, I'm looking forward to it actually. I have a real good idea it is going to come down to that. I am not going to mention it, or bring it up. One thing that irks me though. Where the fuck is the bums dad? Why don't he go to him for help? I don't bring it up, because I have a real good idea the guy is a worthless piece of shit, just like his son. The apple does not fall far from the tree.

Regardless of all the Jerry Springer loser crap I have to deal with, I'm in a pretty good mood respectively, lol, I'm looking forward to removing these fucking leeches from my life.....ah.....then I will be at peace.

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