Thursday, August 29

Feeling better

I am feeling very better today. Today was a good day. I went in for radiation treatment and they gave me another unit of blood. This time I insisted they put me in a room with a bed. That worked out very well. While they were giving me blood I was able to lay down and take a nap. I still can't sit in a recliner, that causes pain. I have to either lay on my left side, or sit up. Laying on the table doing the radiation hurt like hell, I have to lay on my back for that. I am very hopeful that goes away too.

Well, here we go again. I'm not dumping my girl. We talked tonight. I did not let her know how close I was but, we talked. This pain that I been having has really fucked with my head. I still feel I need a break from her. Hell, we have been together 24x7 constantly for almost 1 1/2 years. That would put any relationship to the test. I am just not going to take her complaints with a grain of salt anymore, if she complains, I'm gonna fire right back, rudely if need be. She is causing me way too much stress. I need to stop her from doing that pronto.

I'm feeling normal right now. This is the best I have felt in about a month. I have lost a lot of weight due to this. I am down to 264. That is the less I have weighed in a very long time. I am hoping next week at this time I have regained my appetite.  Today is the first day in about month that I have ate 3 meals. So I hope that continues. I ain't going anywhere.


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