Thanksgiving was ok. Had the bum over again this year. This year the scum fuck was only an hour late. The bird came out real good. My lady did a great job on the dinner. It filled me up. We only cooked a 14 pound bird this year, needless to say all the leftovers were gone in a few days. Oh well.
The bum did not disappoint, we were talking over dinner and he stated that him and his wife are going up north for the holidays as well, wanted to know when we were going so we could travel together. He said that we both drive older vehicles and traveling together would be a good idea. I told the stupid fuck that there is not a dam thing wrong with my truck and I would trust in on a coast to coast drive, twice actually. I've made the trip several times, nothing is going to go wrong. Period. I am not going to be his safety valve, fuck that. If he is scared his car won't make it, don't go. Simple as that. The stupid fucker would probably hit me up for gas money, that is not going to happen.
I love my lady but her fucking sons are worthless. I wish they would just leave us the fuck alone.
Wednesday, November 30
Wednesday, November 16
I'm starting to get into the Holiday mood. Been listening to Christmas music in the truck. There is a radio station here that has started playing Holiday music 24x7. There is another station here that does that, but they don't start until Thanksgiving. This one started early.
I have been sicker than a dog the last 3 days, was laid up in bed all day yesterday. I think it's a cold, not sure. This is the first time I have been real sick in a very long time. I usually don't get sick. I'm feeling better today, I called into work on Monday night, I could barely speak my voice was so bad, I'm going to take it easy today and perhaps go in tonight to make up for it. Not sure yet. I could really use the cash.
I have decided. We are going up North for Christmas. I have advised my folks and they are looking forward to it as am I. Not sure how long we will stay, but we are going.
I'm gonna go nurse the cold/flu whatever. Now I know why I hate being sick. This sux!
I have been sicker than a dog the last 3 days, was laid up in bed all day yesterday. I think it's a cold, not sure. This is the first time I have been real sick in a very long time. I usually don't get sick. I'm feeling better today, I called into work on Monday night, I could barely speak my voice was so bad, I'm going to take it easy today and perhaps go in tonight to make up for it. Not sure yet. I could really use the cash.
I have decided. We are going up North for Christmas. I have advised my folks and they are looking forward to it as am I. Not sure how long we will stay, but we are going.
I'm gonna go nurse the cold/flu whatever. Now I know why I hate being sick. This sux!
Thursday, November 3
I'm Still A Smoker
Well, That didn't work. I still smoke. My girl quit. I'm proud of her, me, not so much.
I did actually try this time. The girl has been on me, which was to be expected, but, I had a little talk with her the other day, I hope it sunk in. I have noticed in the past, It takes my girl a little while to grasp certain things. I just think she just tries to push me, to see how far she can go. Fuckin chicks do that, alot.
So, I'm still a smoker. I changed a little but though. I don't smoke in the basement any longer, and try not to smoke in the car when she is with me.
Now, this last Feb, she had a real problem with her worthless son up North. Guess what? The stupid fuckers bitch is pregnant. That is not all. The bum down here has one on the way as well. I will never understand these fucking lowlife, scums. They can not even afford to support the little bastards they have now, and are adding on. Just goes to show you, scum are like a virus. They will breed. Period.
When I had to go up North to get my girl, I advised her that family don't treat each other like that and I was not going to stand for it. Well, it looks as if all has been forgiven and forgotten. Not I. I will remind my girl, and let her know what I think. If she don't like it and gets mad at me. I'm dropping her. Period. I am not going through that crap again. It's not my fault she can not get along with her family for longer than 2 weeks.
She is planning on going up North for Christmas, I said she. I have not agreed yet. I have just been not saying anything and she has been assuming that I am going to go. I'm not sure yet. I'm on the fence.
I'm not sure. I just may take her up there and leave her there for good. If she don't start standing up for herself to her worthless brood, I just may do that.
I did actually try this time. The girl has been on me, which was to be expected, but, I had a little talk with her the other day, I hope it sunk in. I have noticed in the past, It takes my girl a little while to grasp certain things. I just think she just tries to push me, to see how far she can go. Fuckin chicks do that, alot.
So, I'm still a smoker. I changed a little but though. I don't smoke in the basement any longer, and try not to smoke in the car when she is with me.
Now, this last Feb, she had a real problem with her worthless son up North. Guess what? The stupid fuckers bitch is pregnant. That is not all. The bum down here has one on the way as well. I will never understand these fucking lowlife, scums. They can not even afford to support the little bastards they have now, and are adding on. Just goes to show you, scum are like a virus. They will breed. Period.
When I had to go up North to get my girl, I advised her that family don't treat each other like that and I was not going to stand for it. Well, it looks as if all has been forgiven and forgotten. Not I. I will remind my girl, and let her know what I think. If she don't like it and gets mad at me. I'm dropping her. Period. I am not going through that crap again. It's not my fault she can not get along with her family for longer than 2 weeks.
She is planning on going up North for Christmas, I said she. I have not agreed yet. I have just been not saying anything and she has been assuming that I am going to go. I'm not sure yet. I'm on the fence.
I'm not sure. I just may take her up there and leave her there for good. If she don't start standing up for herself to her worthless brood, I just may do that.
Friday, October 14
Monday, September 12
48 Hours
48 Hours down. 2 Days. I have cheated. I had 5 puffs from a cig, took those last night at work. I am going to get past this. That little transgression is now history. It was a minor slip. I have since taken care of the problem. I had a pack of smokes in my car. I kept thinking of those smokes at work, and finally gave in and lit one. Well, no more. I threw them out the window this morning on my way home.
I am going to win this battle. I have been using the gum, I am not going to cheat anymore. My girl is hanging in there. I am proud of both of us.
I have noticed I am smelling things. Not sure if that's just my imagination, but who knows. I do wake up easier now, no hacking. That's a plus. I am excited. I can not wait to be free from these fuckers once and for all!!
I am going to win this battle. I have been using the gum, I am not going to cheat anymore. My girl is hanging in there. I am proud of both of us.
I have noticed I am smelling things. Not sure if that's just my imagination, but who knows. I do wake up easier now, no hacking. That's a plus. I am excited. I can not wait to be free from these fuckers once and for all!!
Sunday, September 11
Well, it's been 32 hours since my last cigarette. Me and the lady are trying to quit. She is using the pills, I'm using the gum.
She has cheated a couple times (4 to be exact). I have not. I have not had a puff of a cigarette since 0930 Saturday 9/10/11. I do not want to be a slave to these anymore.
Considering my girl cheating, it's funny. When we talked about this, she always accused me of cheating and that I better not smoke behind her back. When she was was successful, there would be no smoking in the basement. Well, it looks as if she is the one that does not have the will power to quit.
That's ok with me. I ain't smoking anymore. One of the big reasons I decided to give them up is price. I was spending a fortune on those fuckers. Not anymore. If my girl don't quit, that's fine with me. She is buying her own. I am not buying them.
It's been rough, but I'm hanging in there. I AM GOING TO WIN THIS BATTLE!!!
She has cheated a couple times (4 to be exact). I have not. I have not had a puff of a cigarette since 0930 Saturday 9/10/11. I do not want to be a slave to these anymore.
Considering my girl cheating, it's funny. When we talked about this, she always accused me of cheating and that I better not smoke behind her back. When she was was successful, there would be no smoking in the basement. Well, it looks as if she is the one that does not have the will power to quit.
That's ok with me. I ain't smoking anymore. One of the big reasons I decided to give them up is price. I was spending a fortune on those fuckers. Not anymore. If my girl don't quit, that's fine with me. She is buying her own. I am not buying them.
It's been rough, but I'm hanging in there. I AM GOING TO WIN THIS BATTLE!!!
Thursday, August 18
I took the lady to Ihop this morning for breakfast. The place was packed. I drive by this place every morning on my way home from work and it is always packed. I don't understand it. They serve fucking pancakes!!! I will say the food was not that bad actually, or the price for that matter.
I noticed though, as we were waiting for our food to arrive the people in this place. At almost every table there was a person with their nose buried in their smartphone, or lap top. The guy across from us was doing Facebook on his lap top, the lady behind us was showing her friends vids on her smartphone....etc. I got up to take a piss and at least 4 people were using their lap tops for twitter.
WTF are people coming too? Your life is so fucking boring and meaningless you must "tweet" what you are doing at every second? You must update your "status" at least 20 times a fucking day? You constantly crave approval from your "friends" and require their opinions? "Oh, I'm going to post this vid, I hope I get alot of likes......" It's fucking pathetic. I am not a very big fan of the "Social Website" I think they are stupid. I'm anti-social anyways. The people that I want to get in contact with me, and need to get in contact with me, know how to do it, the rest of the world can kiss my ass, period. I could give a fuck about everybody else.
It's like that commercial about some 4g network on TV. You know the one, the guy is standing in the middle of a mall or something and at 1230 he breaks into dance. Then his phone says the "flash mob" had been moved. Now, I do not see the point in these so called "flash mobs", people sit around all day on the web, see that something stupid like this is scheduled so they decide to participate. To feel like they are part of something, their lives are meaningless and fucking sad. They do this to get attention and also to say that " I was part of that!!!" "Isn't that great!!!"" It's fucking pathetic. Get a job, accomplish something other than wasting time.
No wonder this countries economy is in the toilet and society is falling apart. Goto youtube and check out the most popular vids. That is how you can gauge the mentality of society. It's fucking sad. People are getting dumber.
God I fucking hate people.
I noticed though, as we were waiting for our food to arrive the people in this place. At almost every table there was a person with their nose buried in their smartphone, or lap top. The guy across from us was doing Facebook on his lap top, the lady behind us was showing her friends vids on her smartphone....etc. I got up to take a piss and at least 4 people were using their lap tops for twitter.
WTF are people coming too? Your life is so fucking boring and meaningless you must "tweet" what you are doing at every second? You must update your "status" at least 20 times a fucking day? You constantly crave approval from your "friends" and require their opinions? "Oh, I'm going to post this vid, I hope I get alot of likes......" It's fucking pathetic. I am not a very big fan of the "Social Website" I think they are stupid. I'm anti-social anyways. The people that I want to get in contact with me, and need to get in contact with me, know how to do it, the rest of the world can kiss my ass, period. I could give a fuck about everybody else.
It's like that commercial about some 4g network on TV. You know the one, the guy is standing in the middle of a mall or something and at 1230 he breaks into dance. Then his phone says the "flash mob" had been moved. Now, I do not see the point in these so called "flash mobs", people sit around all day on the web, see that something stupid like this is scheduled so they decide to participate. To feel like they are part of something, their lives are meaningless and fucking sad. They do this to get attention and also to say that " I was part of that!!!" "Isn't that great!!!"" It's fucking pathetic. Get a job, accomplish something other than wasting time.
No wonder this countries economy is in the toilet and society is falling apart. Goto youtube and check out the most popular vids. That is how you can gauge the mentality of society. It's fucking sad. People are getting dumber.
God I fucking hate people.
Friday, August 12
The player I picked up works. Just tested it out. Now I can unpack all of my 8-Track tapes and put them on the shelf. I will inventory them as usual and be on the look out for those now as well. I am not going to go hog wild, but if I see a unique one that I don't have on vinyl, cassette, reel to reel, or CD I may pick it up. Right now I have about 100-150 8-track tapes. 20-25 of which were my own and my folks gave me the rest. Man the music room is getting kinda packed. I have 2 rooms in my basement. One dedicated to music and stereo equipment, the other for my bar. I may have to put some shelves up in the bar for my record collection over flow. Not sure yet. I still have a bunch of my vinyl, cassettes and video tapes in boxes.
I still have to construct a stereo rack and computer desk/shelving unit. I have been playing the design for both around in my head now for a couple months and pretty much have the design and construction steps down. I have been thinking about this for a long time. I pretty much have the music room layout down as well. When I get it complete, it's going to look sweet. If I don't have a camera by then, I will break down and go buy one, fuck it. I plan on taking stills and perhaps a few vids I'll toss up on youtube. Not sure yet.
I do know this, once I do get the music room complete, I am going to have to get a contractor in here and put a ceiling in there. I am probably going to go with a hanging ceiling. I need to get that room sound proofed. I am hoping I can get a fairly inexpensive contractor to do this for me. I want it done right. Probably next year. The music collection comes first. I want to get all of my crap out of boxes and onto shelves so that I can enjoy it.
I'm still interested in old video games and systems as well. Those are going into the music room along with my equipment. I have figured out how I want everything to fit together, so, when I get it done, it should look pretty cool. I plan on hooking up all of my systems to my 36 inch tube TV. Right now I have about 10 systems all together and various games for all of them. It's gonna rock!!
I am getting the lumber for the stereo rack probably next Tuesday and will build that then. Next will come the computer desk/shelving unit. I have vowed to myself that I will not have any cold beers until I get these two projects complete. So wish me luck guys!!!!! Later.
I still have to construct a stereo rack and computer desk/shelving unit. I have been playing the design for both around in my head now for a couple months and pretty much have the design and construction steps down. I have been thinking about this for a long time. I pretty much have the music room layout down as well. When I get it complete, it's going to look sweet. If I don't have a camera by then, I will break down and go buy one, fuck it. I plan on taking stills and perhaps a few vids I'll toss up on youtube. Not sure yet.
I do know this, once I do get the music room complete, I am going to have to get a contractor in here and put a ceiling in there. I am probably going to go with a hanging ceiling. I need to get that room sound proofed. I am hoping I can get a fairly inexpensive contractor to do this for me. I want it done right. Probably next year. The music collection comes first. I want to get all of my crap out of boxes and onto shelves so that I can enjoy it.
I'm still interested in old video games and systems as well. Those are going into the music room along with my equipment. I have figured out how I want everything to fit together, so, when I get it done, it should look pretty cool. I plan on hooking up all of my systems to my 36 inch tube TV. Right now I have about 10 systems all together and various games for all of them. It's gonna rock!!
I am getting the lumber for the stereo rack probably next Tuesday and will build that then. Next will come the computer desk/shelving unit. I have vowed to myself that I will not have any cold beers until I get these two projects complete. So wish me luck guys!!!!! Later.
Wednesday, August 10
Had A Great Time
We both had a great time this last weekend. I let us spend way too much money, but oh well. I did manage to pick up some choice vinyl. I picked up a still sealed Meet The Beatles album. Not the very first issue on Capital, but the one issued on the Apple/Capital label. Got that for 40 bucks. I usually don't go that high on just one record, but this is mint/mint. I could probably turn around and sell it for twice that if I wanted too, but, I'm keeping it. I also picked up an original Elvis Christmas album from 1957 for a buck......LOL. The cover is in pretty rough shape, but the wax is pristine.
Now, I have a little story to tell. Last year we went to this sale at a house an old couple were having, I noticed an 8-track tape player that they had priced at 3 bucks. I did not pick it up, and kicked myself in the ass all weekend because I didn't get it. Flash forward to this year. Same old couple, having a sale. I stopped thinking that perhaps they didn't sell the player last year and have it out again this year. Odds are they sold it last year, but figured I'd try.
Well, they still had it!!! It was marked 15 bucks this year!!! WTF! I asked the lady if it worked. She did not know but stated that it was her sons and added that he would not have put it out, if it did not work. I handed it to her and she was going to plug it in to test it. She then noticed that in order to test it fully she would need to hook it up to something else with the "red and white" wires. I informed her that it had to be hooked up to an amplifier, which she did not have. I then stated that there was no way to test it, and I was not sure that it worked, I offered her 5 bucks. She took it. Sweet!!!
After I "broke the ice" so to speak the lady mentioned that off to the side and hard to see was a garage full of stuff for sale. I went in there and started picking around. I noticed about 2-3 stacks of 45 records. Went to the first stack, nothing but the usual records, songs from the 70's and 80's....crap. Went to the second stack. Same. The 3rd stack was different.
This stack contained about 75 records. ALL ELVIS!!!!! I was shocked. I looked through them and about 70% of the stack were the originals from the 50's on the RCA/Victor label including about 10 EP's! There were no picture sleeves, but, oh well. I was excited anyways. I stood there for a sec and thought about it. Ok, there were three stacks in here. I could go out and make an offer on all of the records, but did not want them, just the Elvis ones. This was a collection that somebody put together and they kinda knew what they had, I think. I decided to just go for the Elvis records. I spoke to the lady, she looked at them and said that she wanted 100 bucks!!! I almost fell over! No way was I gonna give her that much. We haggled for a little while and I ended up walking out of there with all the Elvis records for 30!!!! Ha!! I wasn't really sure what was in there until I got them home. Looked through them a couple nights ago. I definitely got my money's worth!!!!! As a side note as I was speaking with the lady about the Elvis records, her husband told me that he served with Elvis in the Army!!! He went to boot camp with him and met him!!!! WOW!! I talked to that guy for about 20 minutes. He told me all about his dealings with Elvis. He actually met and spoke with Elvis on several occasions. Man, that was cool. That's another reason I like going to sales like this. Meeting the people. I do really hate people, but speaking with elderly people and hearing the stories about their lives is kinda neat.
Well, that was on the 2nd day. The other 2 are pretty much uneventful. I was concentrating on old video games and systems, but everybody was asking way to much for their junk. I only ended up buying about 4-5 games. In the vinyl dept. however, I added about 400 45's and close to 300 albums. On the last day at around closing time we stopped at a flea market type set up with a bunch of dealers. We had stopped here before so I knew what was there. I wanted to talk to a lady that had the unopened Beatles records. I got the one I mentioned up top and continued to another guy that I knew had a bunch of albums. It was around 7 PM Sunday night, all the dealers were loading up their crap. The guy with the records still had his stuff out.
I walked over and he had about 6 milk crates full of albums. I had already went through 3 of them, so I knew what the majority of the records consisted of, no money records in there just old rock and 80's music. There were alot of extended mixes in there that I did not have of music that I liked. I got to looking at them and a lady stated that the guy was ready to deal for the whole lot. The guy walked up and I asked what he wanted for all of them. He wanted me to make an offer. Well, I did not want to insult the guy so I said 50 bucks, figured we would start there. He took it.......Fuck!!! He took my first offer. He didn't want to load all these records, man wish I would have known that. I probably could of offered him 30 and he would have taken it. Oh well. Got to talking to the guy and he informed me that he runs into records all of the time. I advised him that I am a collector, not a seller and that these records that I got from him are going on my shelf to be listened to by me and enjoyed. I gave him my email and advised him of what I am looking for, any Elvis, Beatles, Buddy Holly, and everything from the 50's, 60's and 70's. So perhaps I made a good contact. It took me awhile, but I managed to fit all of those records in the truck. It was fucking packed full.
So, all in all, the lady and I had a great time. She picked up a bunch of crap for her kitchen and the rest of the house. I got a ton of vinyl. This years 127 sale rocked!! It was a good vacation.
Now, I have a little story to tell. Last year we went to this sale at a house an old couple were having, I noticed an 8-track tape player that they had priced at 3 bucks. I did not pick it up, and kicked myself in the ass all weekend because I didn't get it. Flash forward to this year. Same old couple, having a sale. I stopped thinking that perhaps they didn't sell the player last year and have it out again this year. Odds are they sold it last year, but figured I'd try.
Well, they still had it!!! It was marked 15 bucks this year!!! WTF! I asked the lady if it worked. She did not know but stated that it was her sons and added that he would not have put it out, if it did not work. I handed it to her and she was going to plug it in to test it. She then noticed that in order to test it fully she would need to hook it up to something else with the "red and white" wires. I informed her that it had to be hooked up to an amplifier, which she did not have. I then stated that there was no way to test it, and I was not sure that it worked, I offered her 5 bucks. She took it. Sweet!!!
After I "broke the ice" so to speak the lady mentioned that off to the side and hard to see was a garage full of stuff for sale. I went in there and started picking around. I noticed about 2-3 stacks of 45 records. Went to the first stack, nothing but the usual records, songs from the 70's and 80's....crap. Went to the second stack. Same. The 3rd stack was different.
This stack contained about 75 records. ALL ELVIS!!!!! I was shocked. I looked through them and about 70% of the stack were the originals from the 50's on the RCA/Victor label including about 10 EP's! There were no picture sleeves, but, oh well. I was excited anyways. I stood there for a sec and thought about it. Ok, there were three stacks in here. I could go out and make an offer on all of the records, but did not want them, just the Elvis ones. This was a collection that somebody put together and they kinda knew what they had, I think. I decided to just go for the Elvis records. I spoke to the lady, she looked at them and said that she wanted 100 bucks!!! I almost fell over! No way was I gonna give her that much. We haggled for a little while and I ended up walking out of there with all the Elvis records for 30!!!! Ha!! I wasn't really sure what was in there until I got them home. Looked through them a couple nights ago. I definitely got my money's worth!!!!! As a side note as I was speaking with the lady about the Elvis records, her husband told me that he served with Elvis in the Army!!! He went to boot camp with him and met him!!!! WOW!! I talked to that guy for about 20 minutes. He told me all about his dealings with Elvis. He actually met and spoke with Elvis on several occasions. Man, that was cool. That's another reason I like going to sales like this. Meeting the people. I do really hate people, but speaking with elderly people and hearing the stories about their lives is kinda neat.
Well, that was on the 2nd day. The other 2 are pretty much uneventful. I was concentrating on old video games and systems, but everybody was asking way to much for their junk. I only ended up buying about 4-5 games. In the vinyl dept. however, I added about 400 45's and close to 300 albums. On the last day at around closing time we stopped at a flea market type set up with a bunch of dealers. We had stopped here before so I knew what was there. I wanted to talk to a lady that had the unopened Beatles records. I got the one I mentioned up top and continued to another guy that I knew had a bunch of albums. It was around 7 PM Sunday night, all the dealers were loading up their crap. The guy with the records still had his stuff out.
I walked over and he had about 6 milk crates full of albums. I had already went through 3 of them, so I knew what the majority of the records consisted of, no money records in there just old rock and 80's music. There were alot of extended mixes in there that I did not have of music that I liked. I got to looking at them and a lady stated that the guy was ready to deal for the whole lot. The guy walked up and I asked what he wanted for all of them. He wanted me to make an offer. Well, I did not want to insult the guy so I said 50 bucks, figured we would start there. He took it.......Fuck!!! He took my first offer. He didn't want to load all these records, man wish I would have known that. I probably could of offered him 30 and he would have taken it. Oh well. Got to talking to the guy and he informed me that he runs into records all of the time. I advised him that I am a collector, not a seller and that these records that I got from him are going on my shelf to be listened to by me and enjoyed. I gave him my email and advised him of what I am looking for, any Elvis, Beatles, Buddy Holly, and everything from the 50's, 60's and 70's. So perhaps I made a good contact. It took me awhile, but I managed to fit all of those records in the truck. It was fucking packed full.
So, all in all, the lady and I had a great time. She picked up a bunch of crap for her kitchen and the rest of the house. I got a ton of vinyl. This years 127 sale rocked!! It was a good vacation.
Thursday, August 4
It's That Time Of Year Again
Well, the 127 sale starts today. The worlds longest yard sale. I took the weekend off, gonna do that all weekend. I'm looking forward to it. I love digging through other peoples junk. My lady is excited as well.We have been doing this for the last 2 years now. Picked up a few deals last year. Most of the shit is over priced crap, but, sometimes you can find a deal.
This year I'm going to concentrate on old video games and systems. I'm still on the lookout for vinyl, but everytime I see old records, they are way over priced. I did pick up a nice box full at a church sale last year for 5 bucks, so we will see. It's going to be hotter than hell today, so the car A/C is going to get a workout.
Usually we go North on the first day, I think we are going to go South today. I'll see what the lady has to say. I usually take this weekend off to go to this thing. It's a blast. We both have fun.
The lady did say something funny the other night. She informed me that the bum would like to come with us on 1 day, if he has the money..........haha, what a classic!!! That worthless fucker never has any cash, so I really don't have to worry about that. I did not have to refuse, I know the fucker is not going to have any money. The worthless fuck. Besides, I don't think I could put up with the fucker for a whole day. I would probably end up throttling the mother fucker after the first couple hours. I can't stand the peice of shit.
She keeps saying she wants to invite the fucker over for a BBQ. I don't want that wellfare, no class, bum mother fucker over at my place. I told her that if she wants him over, she can grill the shit. I am not going to waste my time on the worthless fucker. I'll go out and buy some cheap hot dogs and soy burgers for the fuck. I ain't using my good meat. Fuck that.
I did invite my folks down for the sale, but, my mother had already made plans. That sucks. My folks would have enjoyed going to all these yard sales and flea markets. Perhaps next year.
Well, gotta go clean out the truck and pack some sandwiches. I may post todays finds later tonight. Not sure.
This year I'm going to concentrate on old video games and systems. I'm still on the lookout for vinyl, but everytime I see old records, they are way over priced. I did pick up a nice box full at a church sale last year for 5 bucks, so we will see. It's going to be hotter than hell today, so the car A/C is going to get a workout.
Usually we go North on the first day, I think we are going to go South today. I'll see what the lady has to say. I usually take this weekend off to go to this thing. It's a blast. We both have fun.
The lady did say something funny the other night. She informed me that the bum would like to come with us on 1 day, if he has the money..........haha, what a classic!!! That worthless fucker never has any cash, so I really don't have to worry about that. I did not have to refuse, I know the fucker is not going to have any money. The worthless fuck. Besides, I don't think I could put up with the fucker for a whole day. I would probably end up throttling the mother fucker after the first couple hours. I can't stand the peice of shit.
She keeps saying she wants to invite the fucker over for a BBQ. I don't want that wellfare, no class, bum mother fucker over at my place. I told her that if she wants him over, she can grill the shit. I am not going to waste my time on the worthless fucker. I'll go out and buy some cheap hot dogs and soy burgers for the fuck. I ain't using my good meat. Fuck that.
I did invite my folks down for the sale, but, my mother had already made plans. That sucks. My folks would have enjoyed going to all these yard sales and flea markets. Perhaps next year.
Well, gotta go clean out the truck and pack some sandwiches. I may post todays finds later tonight. Not sure.
Thursday, July 21
Did The Fair Last Night
Well, went to the fair last night. It was alright. Same drill as last year, got your hand stamped and you could ride all the rides you wanted. The bums kid had a good time. Payed 10 bucks a pop to get in. So letting the little fucker ride all the rides I guess was worth it. I rode the Farris Wheel with him. Man oh man, every creak and pop that fucker was making made my heart stop. I don't trust those dam carnival rides. Hard telling how drunk, high, hung over the fuckers were that set it up.
Got my yearly fair corn dog. Fuck man, I went to buy it, I got a foot long corn dog and a large coke, the dude tells me 10 bucks! Fuck! Man, I almost fell over. Jesus, what a rip, but oh well. That's done for the year. The lady wanted to try deep fried Oreo's and a deep fried Twinkie. Got some of those. She said they were great, I didn't eat any. I don't want none of that crap. I don't like sweets.
Well, I'm hung over today. Got drunk off my ass last night while the lady was sleeping. She thought I would wake her up with music, to tell you the truth, I thought I would as well, but I didn't. LOL. Watched a couple movies and used the headphones. It worked out alright. I was going to turn on the big stereo, and just blast the fucker for spite. But I didn't. I felt like being an asshole. Glad I didn't. Now that I'm sober, I'm thinking my lady don't need that shit.
Well, the bums kid has been staying with us since he got out of school. Get this shit, I asked the lady last night if the bum or his mother has called to check up, talk with the little fucker. Nada, not a peep. WTF? Man. I feel sorry for this kid. His parents don't give a fuck about him. He must know it, he wants to stay here all the time. Can't blame the kid really. If his folks don't want him around, he don't wanna be there. That's fucking sad. All he is to them is more money on their fucking food stamp card. It's pathetic. I'm not surprised really. The fucking bum ain't good for nothing. Period.
Got my yearly fair corn dog. Fuck man, I went to buy it, I got a foot long corn dog and a large coke, the dude tells me 10 bucks! Fuck! Man, I almost fell over. Jesus, what a rip, but oh well. That's done for the year. The lady wanted to try deep fried Oreo's and a deep fried Twinkie. Got some of those. She said they were great, I didn't eat any. I don't want none of that crap. I don't like sweets.
Well, I'm hung over today. Got drunk off my ass last night while the lady was sleeping. She thought I would wake her up with music, to tell you the truth, I thought I would as well, but I didn't. LOL. Watched a couple movies and used the headphones. It worked out alright. I was going to turn on the big stereo, and just blast the fucker for spite. But I didn't. I felt like being an asshole. Glad I didn't. Now that I'm sober, I'm thinking my lady don't need that shit.
Well, the bums kid has been staying with us since he got out of school. Get this shit, I asked the lady last night if the bum or his mother has called to check up, talk with the little fucker. Nada, not a peep. WTF? Man. I feel sorry for this kid. His parents don't give a fuck about him. He must know it, he wants to stay here all the time. Can't blame the kid really. If his folks don't want him around, he don't wanna be there. That's fucking sad. All he is to them is more money on their fucking food stamp card. It's pathetic. I'm not surprised really. The fucking bum ain't good for nothing. Period.
Friday, July 15
Figured An Update Is In Order
No much to update really. Hotter that fuck out, going to work, coming home, sleeping. The daily routine. Been watching alot of Star Trek recently. I never really got into Voyager when it was being televised, but I have watched a few episodes, and I think it's not that bad really. Better than Enterprise. I have to say though, as far as Janeway is concerned, she seems like she would better be fitted as Science Officer rather than Captain. Don't get me wrong. This opinion I have formed is based on her tech knowledge, not gender. She seems more tech oriented than anything else.
I was kinda pissed they have not offered Deep Space Nine yet, a friend has informed me that they will offer than in Oct. That's the one I wanted to Watch. It seems with Voyager there is alot more techno babble than anything else. I don't know, we will see I guess. It was on for 7 seasons, so I'm going to keep watching in the hope that it gets better.
Have not really heard alot from my girls worthless brood, that is good. The regular requests for money come in, but, I ain't giving these worthless fucks a dime, and I believe my girl feels the same way.
The county fair opens next week, guess we will go. I need to get my yearly fair corndog. Probably take the worthless fucks kid. That don't bother me. The little fucker had a good time last year.
I was kinda pissed they have not offered Deep Space Nine yet, a friend has informed me that they will offer than in Oct. That's the one I wanted to Watch. It seems with Voyager there is alot more techno babble than anything else. I don't know, we will see I guess. It was on for 7 seasons, so I'm going to keep watching in the hope that it gets better.
Have not really heard alot from my girls worthless brood, that is good. The regular requests for money come in, but, I ain't giving these worthless fucks a dime, and I believe my girl feels the same way.
The county fair opens next week, guess we will go. I need to get my yearly fair corndog. Probably take the worthless fucks kid. That don't bother me. The little fucker had a good time last year.
Wednesday, June 8
Fun In The Sun
Opened the pool. Time to swim. It wasn't that bad this year, filled her up, dumped in some chlorine and cleaned the bottom, good to go. The grill broke though!!!!! Fuck!!! Now I gotta go buy another one. I knew I should have replaced the cover that we had on it last year. The thing wore out and I never got a new one. Left it uncovered all winter, fuck. Oh well.
I am doing something different this year though. I am sick and tired of the lady ragging on me about that fucking pool. I hired a cleaning service this year. They are going to be out every other week to clean the fucker. I ain't gonna fuck with it, period. Let the lady bitch at the pool guy. I read the reviews of the service online. They don't have very good reviews, but they are a large company and there are only 4 reviews, 1 positive. I am not using the local pool guy, he's an asshole. I went somewhere else.
See, I called the local guy last week on Thursday I think it was to set up an appointment for them to come out to open my pool. He said they could be here that next Monday, I said great. Well they showed up and advised me that they could not clean the pool because the water level was too low, they set up my pump and filter and crap and said they would try to make it back later that day or tomorrow. Well that did not happen. The next day I call the store in the AM to see if I was on the list for that day and was told no. To come on down and get some chlorine and dump in there to prevent the pool from going green. I did and was told at the store that they would try to make it out later that day to finish the job. Well, 3:30 pm rolls around and they are not there. I call the store and speak with the owner. He tells me they are not going to be able to make it out for another 2 weeks!!! He said that they inform everybody for a pool opening to have the pool filled and ready, his guy that morning clearly admitted that he did not tell me when I set the appointment up over the phone, he stated that, that was not right, his guy informed me, they inform everybody. Well, I finished off the fucking pool this morning, It looks good now. This local pool guy can suck my dick. I called them this morning told the girl to send me a bill for the work they did do......I don't know if I'm gonna pay em'.
I am doing something different this year though. I am sick and tired of the lady ragging on me about that fucking pool. I hired a cleaning service this year. They are going to be out every other week to clean the fucker. I ain't gonna fuck with it, period. Let the lady bitch at the pool guy. I read the reviews of the service online. They don't have very good reviews, but they are a large company and there are only 4 reviews, 1 positive. I am not using the local pool guy, he's an asshole. I went somewhere else.
See, I called the local guy last week on Thursday I think it was to set up an appointment for them to come out to open my pool. He said they could be here that next Monday, I said great. Well they showed up and advised me that they could not clean the pool because the water level was too low, they set up my pump and filter and crap and said they would try to make it back later that day or tomorrow. Well that did not happen. The next day I call the store in the AM to see if I was on the list for that day and was told no. To come on down and get some chlorine and dump in there to prevent the pool from going green. I did and was told at the store that they would try to make it out later that day to finish the job. Well, 3:30 pm rolls around and they are not there. I call the store and speak with the owner. He tells me they are not going to be able to make it out for another 2 weeks!!! He said that they inform everybody for a pool opening to have the pool filled and ready, his guy that morning clearly admitted that he did not tell me when I set the appointment up over the phone, he stated that, that was not right, his guy informed me, they inform everybody. Well, I finished off the fucking pool this morning, It looks good now. This local pool guy can suck my dick. I called them this morning told the girl to send me a bill for the work they did do......I don't know if I'm gonna pay em'.
Wednesday, May 18
I don't know what the fuck is going on with this weather. It's fucking cold outside. It's been in the low 40's now for 2 days. WTF? I had the air conditioning on last week, now this shit. Had to turn the heat on yesterday. I really don't like hot weather, but, shit. Winter is really hanging on. My perfect day would be in the high-mid 60's and overcast. I don't like sunlight. I would say fall is my favorite time of year, well, it feels like fall now, in the middle of fucking May!!! Go figure.
Well, the scum fuck up north got a job. Lets see how long this lasts. Considering his track record, not long. He's a lazy idiot, so he'll probably get canned in a few weeks. He usually does. I am never going to understand my lady. This scum fuck treats her like shit, both her sons do, and then a few weeks later, it's like nothing ever happened. I'm not a parent. Never want to be. But crap, If I would have even pulled 1/8 of the shit these two have pulled on her, on my folks, I would have been disowned in a heartbeat. These 2 bums are children. They need to both grow the fuck up. I think that's why I joined the Military. That grew me up, fast. What's pathetic is, the bum that lives down here did the Military thing and failed. He quit because he was being teased about his religion in bootcamp. Do you believe that shit? He follows some Egyptian religion crap. That goes to show you how much of a waste of life this worthless fucker is. Her other son is too fucking stupid, the Military won't take him, hehehe.
It don't matter. My girl is well aware of my feelings towards these two. If it starts to become a problem, it's over. This fish is swimming away to another part of the pond, alone.
Well, the scum fuck up north got a job. Lets see how long this lasts. Considering his track record, not long. He's a lazy idiot, so he'll probably get canned in a few weeks. He usually does. I am never going to understand my lady. This scum fuck treats her like shit, both her sons do, and then a few weeks later, it's like nothing ever happened. I'm not a parent. Never want to be. But crap, If I would have even pulled 1/8 of the shit these two have pulled on her, on my folks, I would have been disowned in a heartbeat. These 2 bums are children. They need to both grow the fuck up. I think that's why I joined the Military. That grew me up, fast. What's pathetic is, the bum that lives down here did the Military thing and failed. He quit because he was being teased about his religion in bootcamp. Do you believe that shit? He follows some Egyptian religion crap. That goes to show you how much of a waste of life this worthless fucker is. Her other son is too fucking stupid, the Military won't take him, hehehe.
It don't matter. My girl is well aware of my feelings towards these two. If it starts to become a problem, it's over. This fish is swimming away to another part of the pond, alone.
Wednesday, May 4
Who'll Stop The Rain
It's been raining here for 2 weeks now, non stop. When is it going to end? Flash flood warnings being issued all over, streams over flowing. Man, this sucks. I'm glad I live on a hill. I don't have to worry about any floods. Erosion, that's a different matter. I had planned on laying stone in the flower beds in my front yard. On the terrace. I have advised my lawn guy that he can come out and do it at any time, weather permitting. Thanks to all this rain, I have a small canyon being formed in my terrace lining my front walkway. This fucking rain has to stop!!!!
Well, Easter has come and passed. It was ok. My lady made a bird. It turned out good. What really bothered me was the bum. Ok, this guy is 30 years old and has a 7 year old son. He and his wife both act like they do not want the kid. Let me explain. The kid was staying with us that weekend. Well, he spent Friday night with us, my lady figured that she would be taking the kid home Saturday afternoon, ya know, so he would be home with his folks on Easter Morning. That did not happen. Saturday night rolls around and the bums wife says that she has to work Easter Sunday, better keep the kid. No biggie. I left for work and advised my girl to keep the kid up late and I would stop at the store in the AM after work and get him some Easter crap, a basket and some candy and stuff. Things from the Easter Bunny.
She kept the kid up late coloring eggs and stuff, I get to the store and buy some candy and crap. Now, I can remember, when I was a kid. My folks always got me toys and crap for Easter that I can play with outside, ya know, spring toys and crap. I decided to get this kid a baseball glove. Every boy needs a good baseball glove. His worthless fuck dad would never get him one, the guy don't know a thing about baseball. I spent about 25.00. No biggie.
I get home, the kid is still sleeping, great. My girl arranges the basket and I hide it in the corner. She goes in to wake the kid up and tells him the Easter Bunny came and he has to look for his basket. After about 15 minutes the kids finally finds it, is pretty over joyed. A little too over joyed I think. He tells us that this is the best Easter that he has ever had. Ever. Now, I see a problem with this. WTF? I drop 25 bucks, hid a basket and this kid is fucking happy to the point of tears.
I get to talking to the kid and my girl and come to find out that the bum don't believe in Easter, it's against his religion. WTF is that all about. Sure, I know what Easter is all about, and such, but fuck. A seven year old kid don't. He believes in the Easter Bunny, not fucking Jesus. I see now that the bum never had any cash to drop on his kid and took the easy way out. It's pathetic. This fucking guy is a looser and always will be. I hate kids, something that I have said constantly in this blog, but, god dammit. If that fucking looser ain't gonna raise his son and give him a good fucking life, screw him. I'll mentor the little guy. Fuck it. I have said in the past the kid is a little wimp, it's because he don;t have a father figure. Period. The bum ain't no father figure. He;s a skinny, druggie looking piece of shit and an idiot to boot. So, I will step in and teach this kid what being a boy and a man is all about. I am not going to turn him against his dad, I ain't going to say anything bad about his dad to him. I will let the little kid figure that out on his own. I will just show the kid what being a kid is all about. Hell, I'm immature big time. I think I got that dept. covered.
Well, later that day, I get up at around 6ish, to have Easter Dinner and get ready for work. My girl calls the bum to let him know that we will be bringing the kid back home in a few minutes and will be bringing a plate for him. His wife answers the phone! It turns out, she did not work that day. She traded with somebody that morning. That is a load of crap. This bitch did not have to work, said she did because she and her worthless husband did not want to deal with THEIR OWN FUCKING KID. Man these two are a piece of work. I feel sorry for the kid. He has no idea his folks are worthless. He will get the idea when he gets older. That's sad.
Well, Easter has come and passed. It was ok. My lady made a bird. It turned out good. What really bothered me was the bum. Ok, this guy is 30 years old and has a 7 year old son. He and his wife both act like they do not want the kid. Let me explain. The kid was staying with us that weekend. Well, he spent Friday night with us, my lady figured that she would be taking the kid home Saturday afternoon, ya know, so he would be home with his folks on Easter Morning. That did not happen. Saturday night rolls around and the bums wife says that she has to work Easter Sunday, better keep the kid. No biggie. I left for work and advised my girl to keep the kid up late and I would stop at the store in the AM after work and get him some Easter crap, a basket and some candy and stuff. Things from the Easter Bunny.
She kept the kid up late coloring eggs and stuff, I get to the store and buy some candy and crap. Now, I can remember, when I was a kid. My folks always got me toys and crap for Easter that I can play with outside, ya know, spring toys and crap. I decided to get this kid a baseball glove. Every boy needs a good baseball glove. His worthless fuck dad would never get him one, the guy don't know a thing about baseball. I spent about 25.00. No biggie.
I get home, the kid is still sleeping, great. My girl arranges the basket and I hide it in the corner. She goes in to wake the kid up and tells him the Easter Bunny came and he has to look for his basket. After about 15 minutes the kids finally finds it, is pretty over joyed. A little too over joyed I think. He tells us that this is the best Easter that he has ever had. Ever. Now, I see a problem with this. WTF? I drop 25 bucks, hid a basket and this kid is fucking happy to the point of tears.
I get to talking to the kid and my girl and come to find out that the bum don't believe in Easter, it's against his religion. WTF is that all about. Sure, I know what Easter is all about, and such, but fuck. A seven year old kid don't. He believes in the Easter Bunny, not fucking Jesus. I see now that the bum never had any cash to drop on his kid and took the easy way out. It's pathetic. This fucking guy is a looser and always will be. I hate kids, something that I have said constantly in this blog, but, god dammit. If that fucking looser ain't gonna raise his son and give him a good fucking life, screw him. I'll mentor the little guy. Fuck it. I have said in the past the kid is a little wimp, it's because he don;t have a father figure. Period. The bum ain't no father figure. He;s a skinny, druggie looking piece of shit and an idiot to boot. So, I will step in and teach this kid what being a boy and a man is all about. I am not going to turn him against his dad, I ain't going to say anything bad about his dad to him. I will let the little kid figure that out on his own. I will just show the kid what being a kid is all about. Hell, I'm immature big time. I think I got that dept. covered.
Well, later that day, I get up at around 6ish, to have Easter Dinner and get ready for work. My girl calls the bum to let him know that we will be bringing the kid back home in a few minutes and will be bringing a plate for him. His wife answers the phone! It turns out, she did not work that day. She traded with somebody that morning. That is a load of crap. This bitch did not have to work, said she did because she and her worthless husband did not want to deal with THEIR OWN FUCKING KID. Man these two are a piece of work. I feel sorry for the kid. He has no idea his folks are worthless. He will get the idea when he gets older. That's sad.
Thursday, March 31
It's Thursday
Nothing going on. It's Thursday. Nuff said. It's still been cold out, had some snow the other day. This weather is strange.
I have not been doing much of anything lately, just vegging in front of the tube. Got drunk off of my ass a few days ago. Something happened that day of importance I think.
See, since the bum moved down here, my girl has been having her grand kid visit and stay with us for a few days sometime. I advised her at the beginning that I was cool with that, only if it happens on weekends, when I work. Not the days I have off. Well, that has been going good up until a few days ago. See, this kid is off school for spring break. He had been with us for a week already. Now, I don't like kids. Never have. I was pretty drunk, that gave me just enough balls to be an asshole. I am usually pretty laid back. I'm a nice guy. Too nice at times I have been told. Well, I told my girl to take the little bastard home. Let his parents watch him. I was sick of dealing with the kid.
Well it has been a few days now, I don't think my girl is pissed. She has not mentioned it. I think she was waiting for me to make the decision to take the kid home. She was sick of watching him too, she just did not want to admit that to herself or the bum.
She has also been on me about smoking in the basement. I informed her that it will continue and not to bring it up ever again. I told her that the basement was mine and what I do down there is none of her business and she had better learn to accept that fact. Simple as that.
I think that is very fair. I have given the upstairs to her, she can do anything with it that she wishes and I will support her. This basement is my domain. My place. She is welcome down here at anytime.
So that's where we stand. I hope she got the idea about the fucking kid. If I wanted kids around me I would have had some by now. I hate kids, period. I got my dog, that's enough.
I have not been doing much of anything lately, just vegging in front of the tube. Got drunk off of my ass a few days ago. Something happened that day of importance I think.
See, since the bum moved down here, my girl has been having her grand kid visit and stay with us for a few days sometime. I advised her at the beginning that I was cool with that, only if it happens on weekends, when I work. Not the days I have off. Well, that has been going good up until a few days ago. See, this kid is off school for spring break. He had been with us for a week already. Now, I don't like kids. Never have. I was pretty drunk, that gave me just enough balls to be an asshole. I am usually pretty laid back. I'm a nice guy. Too nice at times I have been told. Well, I told my girl to take the little bastard home. Let his parents watch him. I was sick of dealing with the kid.
Well it has been a few days now, I don't think my girl is pissed. She has not mentioned it. I think she was waiting for me to make the decision to take the kid home. She was sick of watching him too, she just did not want to admit that to herself or the bum.
She has also been on me about smoking in the basement. I informed her that it will continue and not to bring it up ever again. I told her that the basement was mine and what I do down there is none of her business and she had better learn to accept that fact. Simple as that.
I think that is very fair. I have given the upstairs to her, she can do anything with it that she wishes and I will support her. This basement is my domain. My place. She is welcome down here at anytime.
So that's where we stand. I hope she got the idea about the fucking kid. If I wanted kids around me I would have had some by now. I hate kids, period. I got my dog, that's enough.
Friday, March 11
Same Same
Well, It's been awhile since my last post. Nothing much has happened. Been colder than shit and that's about it.
My girl has not heard from her scum fuck son up north, as far as I know, so that's a good thing. Me and the girl have been getting along ok. I think she got the hint when I advised her that I was tired of dealing with all this crap, she better give me my space and leave me the fuck alone. It worked I think.
I'm telling you, she better have, I'll boot her ass out at the drop of a hat. I'm sick of this crap. I'm not being an asshole to her. That's not my way. I still love her and care about her, but I am not going to impede my life, stress myself out, and sacrifice anything no longer. That's done.
In the middle of all the crap, I advised her that she had better start seeing her worthless family for what they are, users. I told her that my family, (my folks, grand mother) care more about her than her own fucking sons....that's sad, but the truth. I told her that if she can not accept that fact, I think that we may have to rethink OUR situation. I was tired of dealing with that crap and my folks were as well. I told her that I was tired of standing by and watching her family use and hurt her, then when I tried to do something, she would get angry at me. I did not like seeing her get hurt and taken advantage of and if things do not change, we may just have to go our separate ways. I could not continue to live like that.
I think that sunk in. I am not trying to make her stop loving her kids, I want her to see that they will always use her until she puts a stop to it. I can not do it, she has to. Well, I think she has come around.
We will see.
My girl has not heard from her scum fuck son up north, as far as I know, so that's a good thing. Me and the girl have been getting along ok. I think she got the hint when I advised her that I was tired of dealing with all this crap, she better give me my space and leave me the fuck alone. It worked I think.
I'm telling you, she better have, I'll boot her ass out at the drop of a hat. I'm sick of this crap. I'm not being an asshole to her. That's not my way. I still love her and care about her, but I am not going to impede my life, stress myself out, and sacrifice anything no longer. That's done.
In the middle of all the crap, I advised her that she had better start seeing her worthless family for what they are, users. I told her that my family, (my folks, grand mother) care more about her than her own fucking sons....that's sad, but the truth. I told her that if she can not accept that fact, I think that we may have to rethink OUR situation. I was tired of dealing with that crap and my folks were as well. I told her that I was tired of standing by and watching her family use and hurt her, then when I tried to do something, she would get angry at me. I did not like seeing her get hurt and taken advantage of and if things do not change, we may just have to go our separate ways. I could not continue to live like that.
I think that sunk in. I am not trying to make her stop loving her kids, I want her to see that they will always use her until she puts a stop to it. I can not do it, she has to. Well, I think she has come around.
We will see.
Friday, February 18
Back Again!
Got back last night, went and got the girl. This is never going to happen again. I think now my girl has come to realize that her sons are not worth a fuck. I hope so. The other worthless piece of shit that lives in our town, did not even call her on her birthday. What a scum fuck.
Now, I'm waiting. I have just been informed that the worthless fuck that lives up north lost his job!!! Haha. It could not have happened to a more deserving piece of shit. It don't surprise me though. In the past when this lazy fuck gets a job, he usually lasts a few weeks then gets canned. According to him, It's always somebody else who is at fault, not him....ya right. He's a lazy fuck and does not want to work. That's why he gets canned.
Well, now I'm waiting again. I know the panty waste is going to call mamma. He always does. Now, if that does happen, and my girl turns around and forgives him for all the shit he has pulled. She is history. Nuff said. I am not dealing with this shit any longer. I'm gonna boot her ass out quicker than shit.
I am thinking about doing that now actually, without his interference. I'm sick of all this crap. I am going to play this by ear. I have the time.
Come to think of it, I enjoyed coming home to an empty house.
Now, I'm waiting. I have just been informed that the worthless fuck that lives up north lost his job!!! Haha. It could not have happened to a more deserving piece of shit. It don't surprise me though. In the past when this lazy fuck gets a job, he usually lasts a few weeks then gets canned. According to him, It's always somebody else who is at fault, not him....ya right. He's a lazy fuck and does not want to work. That's why he gets canned.
Well, now I'm waiting again. I know the panty waste is going to call mamma. He always does. Now, if that does happen, and my girl turns around and forgives him for all the shit he has pulled. She is history. Nuff said. I am not dealing with this shit any longer. I'm gonna boot her ass out quicker than shit.
I am thinking about doing that now actually, without his interference. I'm sick of all this crap. I am going to play this by ear. I have the time.
Come to think of it, I enjoyed coming home to an empty house.
Sunday, February 13
I Was Right
Well, it seems what I thought was going to happen, happened. I'm going up north. My girl called my crying yesterday. It seems that her scum fuck son and his bitch girlfriend have finally shown their true colors. They have refused to bring my girl home.
Apparently when it was determined that they were not going to get their money, my girl stated that for the time being she was not going to help them any longer and just wait for them to bring her back. Not do any driving, watch their kids, cook, etc......
They asked her after she informed them that, if she was not going to assist, why stay around then. Do you believe that shit. They also informed her that they were not going to bring her home and she is on her own. Who treats their mother like that?
So, I advised my girl to get the fuck out of there, to go stay with my folks and I would be there in a couple days to get her.
Her scum fuck kid had this planned from the get go. They used her for what they could, could not get any more use out of her, then told her to go away. That's fucked.
So, it looks like I got a road trip ahead of me. I don't care. I had a very good feeling this would happen. It's no big deal. I want my girl to come home. I miss her. I feel really bad that her worthless brood treat her like they do. Now, I just hope she finally realizes how they really are. I get to see my folks, and get a good pizza to boot, so I'm looking forward to it.
Apparently when it was determined that they were not going to get their money, my girl stated that for the time being she was not going to help them any longer and just wait for them to bring her back. Not do any driving, watch their kids, cook, etc......
They asked her after she informed them that, if she was not going to assist, why stay around then. Do you believe that shit. They also informed her that they were not going to bring her home and she is on her own. Who treats their mother like that?
So, I advised my girl to get the fuck out of there, to go stay with my folks and I would be there in a couple days to get her.
Her scum fuck kid had this planned from the get go. They used her for what they could, could not get any more use out of her, then told her to go away. That's fucked.
So, it looks like I got a road trip ahead of me. I don't care. I had a very good feeling this would happen. It's no big deal. I want my girl to come home. I miss her. I feel really bad that her worthless brood treat her like they do. Now, I just hope she finally realizes how they really are. I get to see my folks, and get a good pizza to boot, so I'm looking forward to it.
Friday, February 11
I'm Not Surprised
It looks as if my girl is stranded. Her worthless son can not bring her home. I knew it. She was supposed to be back last week, well, of course that did not happen. Now, he has informed her that they do not have any money to bring her home. His wife got half of her tax money a couple weeks ago. She was going to get the other half today. That did not happen either.
They both had more than enough to make the trip, get the car fixed, etc......
Well, that money is spent. Wasted actually. They did not get the car fixed, ate out every night, squandered the rest, now, the other check is not going to be here for a few more weeks and they are broke.
I can't go get her. I can't take the time off from work, and really don't have the cash right now. It is time for my girl to see what her son is actually worth. Not a piss. He assured her that he would bring her back when she wanted to come home. She wanted to come home 2 weeks ago.
I told her that this was going to happen. You can not rely on scum. Period. Now she has to pay the price. Scum will always let you down. Always. That's why they live up there in scum town. That's where they belong. They blend in with all of the other scum. Nobody up there has a pot to piss in, or a window to throw it out of. They never will.
I feel sorry for my girl for the simple fact that, she has to experience this crap, to realize how worthless her son and his wife are. It's pathetic.
They both had more than enough to make the trip, get the car fixed, etc......
Well, that money is spent. Wasted actually. They did not get the car fixed, ate out every night, squandered the rest, now, the other check is not going to be here for a few more weeks and they are broke.
I can't go get her. I can't take the time off from work, and really don't have the cash right now. It is time for my girl to see what her son is actually worth. Not a piss. He assured her that he would bring her back when she wanted to come home. She wanted to come home 2 weeks ago.
I told her that this was going to happen. You can not rely on scum. Period. Now she has to pay the price. Scum will always let you down. Always. That's why they live up there in scum town. That's where they belong. They blend in with all of the other scum. Nobody up there has a pot to piss in, or a window to throw it out of. They never will.
I feel sorry for my girl for the simple fact that, she has to experience this crap, to realize how worthless her son and his wife are. It's pathetic.
Thursday, February 3
Broke Out The Atari Today

I been playing my old Atari 2600, man, that brings back memories. This is the original one my folks got me for Christmas back in the day. I had lost the rf converter jack that came with the system. The box that hooked onto your TV that you switched from "game" to "TV", hell it's probably still hooked to my old TV back at my parents house!!!!! aha, they never throw away nothing. I think that's where I get my hoarding tendencies at...LOL. I picked up a jack at Radio Shack.
Boy, I have been having alot of fun playing this old game. This has gotten me thinking of a new use for my basement. I love old video games. Always have. I tried the baseball cards, these things are just way expensive now days, and what do you have after you get the whole set? Nothing really. You can't play with them, just look at them really. Old video games on the other hand are very fun. I love playing them. I think I'm gonna start collecting them. It's not I don't have the space. I have been doing a little looking on the bay and crap like that. They are fairly inexpensive, for the regular ones that is. I am not going to drop a boat load of money on some rare piece of shit, that I do not like to play, just because it's "RARE" oh...lord. Screw that. I do have 2 more TV's in boxes. A 27 inch and a 19 inch. I plan on getting a 37 LCD for the newer systems, PS2, Xbox, Xbox360. I have all of those systems already. Next on my list is a gamecube. There is a game on there, the Star Wars Arcade that came out back in the early 80's. I want to get that to play it. I also want to pick up a 3do. I want to play Star Control 2, that game is great. Like I said. I am not going to collect, just to collect. I'm only going to get the games that I want to play, and try out. Who knows, once the collection grows, I may start collecting just to collect.
On a side note, I am an evil bastard. I'm gonna get the room all set up, with all my games, have them all hooked up...etc. Guess what? The fucking bums little bastard kid ain't gonna be allowed in there, ha. I'm gonna tell the little bastard, get your dad to get off of his lazy ass and go out and get a job, then you guys will be able to afford crap like this......hehehe. I can't wait till that day comes. I may charge the bum admission for his fucking kid.....hmmm, that's something to think about.
Saturday, January 29
Had to delete what I had here.
Well, I had to delete the original post. Looks like the vid I used was no good. It got deleted from youtube for copyright infractions. I have no idea why. It was a news broadcast. So, that's it. Everybody needs to get paid in this day and age. Fucking greedy ass people. Always want something for nothing. Lazy assholes. Oh well.
I fucking hate people.
I fucking hate people.
Thursday, January 20
Still Here
It's been awhile, I'm still here. It has been just me and the dog for awhile. I miss my girl, but we talk on the phone on a daily basis. I miss her, so does my dog. She will be back in a couple weeks.
Been doing alot of imbibing in the basement which has led me to a decision. What's the point? Getting drunk in my basement by myself, it's boring actually. When I initially made plans for my basement, it was to have a full bar, kicking sound system and video entertainment. Now, I have all of those but only I use it. I live in a very rural area, by choice, I have yet to invite friends over, but have not because of the fact I live so far away from them. If they were to drink, they could always crash, but, I will not force them too. They all have families and it would take 2 hours round trip to get to my place. I know what you are asking yourself, why don't he get to know local people? I am a very shielded person. I do not like strangers. The friends that I have now, and trust I have known over 20 years. Don't get me wrong, I do not hate everybody, I just tend to value friendship very highly. I do have acquaintances, but only 2-3 real friends. If anybody were to come to my place, get drunk, then drive home and hurt somebody, I would never be able to forgive myself. It would be my fault. I could not live with that.
Hence, my decision. The bar, stereo, music collection, etc is going into storage. Perhaps one day I may break it back out, I'm not sure. I will still have a few every now and then, but the bar is history.
I do have a couple ideas about the basement that I am kicking around in my head. Not sure what I want to do down here. I do know this, the lady is going to be ecstatic when she comes home and sees the changes. She has always thought I drink too much, and ya know what. I agree with her. I am not going on the wagon, just not going to imbibe so often. There is no point in it.
Don't get me wrong. I am not getting rid of any of my bar crap, just putting it away. The music collection as well. I have since realized that my music and drinking go hand in hand actually. Listening to my music puts me in a good mood, that good mood makes me feel like having a few. The end result, me drunk, blasting the music.....etc. Nothing accomplished but a hangover the next day and me feeling guilty if I put my lady through hell when I was drunk. That has only happened a couple times, but, she don't deserve it, and I need to grow the fuck up. I want this basement to be something I can be proud of. Not a shrine to me being drunk.
Been doing alot of imbibing in the basement which has led me to a decision. What's the point? Getting drunk in my basement by myself, it's boring actually. When I initially made plans for my basement, it was to have a full bar, kicking sound system and video entertainment. Now, I have all of those but only I use it. I live in a very rural area, by choice, I have yet to invite friends over, but have not because of the fact I live so far away from them. If they were to drink, they could always crash, but, I will not force them too. They all have families and it would take 2 hours round trip to get to my place. I know what you are asking yourself, why don't he get to know local people? I am a very shielded person. I do not like strangers. The friends that I have now, and trust I have known over 20 years. Don't get me wrong, I do not hate everybody, I just tend to value friendship very highly. I do have acquaintances, but only 2-3 real friends. If anybody were to come to my place, get drunk, then drive home and hurt somebody, I would never be able to forgive myself. It would be my fault. I could not live with that.
Hence, my decision. The bar, stereo, music collection, etc is going into storage. Perhaps one day I may break it back out, I'm not sure. I will still have a few every now and then, but the bar is history.
I do have a couple ideas about the basement that I am kicking around in my head. Not sure what I want to do down here. I do know this, the lady is going to be ecstatic when she comes home and sees the changes. She has always thought I drink too much, and ya know what. I agree with her. I am not going on the wagon, just not going to imbibe so often. There is no point in it.
Don't get me wrong. I am not getting rid of any of my bar crap, just putting it away. The music collection as well. I have since realized that my music and drinking go hand in hand actually. Listening to my music puts me in a good mood, that good mood makes me feel like having a few. The end result, me drunk, blasting the music.....etc. Nothing accomplished but a hangover the next day and me feeling guilty if I put my lady through hell when I was drunk. That has only happened a couple times, but, she don't deserve it, and I need to grow the fuck up. I want this basement to be something I can be proud of. Not a shrine to me being drunk.
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