Saturday, June 9

Button Day +1

Well got the button installed yesterday. It feels strange. Do you guys remember that movie Dune? The Harkonans installed ports into their people that black stuff oozed out. LOL, I feel like I'm a Harkonan!

This thing is supposed to make it easier on them and me when I get my Chemo. The surgery went ok. I thought it was just going to be a quick simple thing, freeze me with a couple shots and whamo........wrong. They put me under. I had never been put under before, but, It wasn't that bad. I feel a lump under my skin on the right side of my chest now. It feels pretty freaky.

Went to a flea market today. We didn't stay that long it was really hot out. I didn't find no deals, I did however pick up an MIA/POW Hat that I have been looking for.

I feel pretty good today, I hope it's the drugs killing that cancer that is making me feel so good, I hope.

Talk To You All Later

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