Wednesday, July 4

Happy 4th

It's the 4th. Nothing different today on the docket really. I told the lady yesterday "that I really am in no mood to put up with the her bum son, but, if she really wants to BBQ and have him over, I guess I could tolerate him for a few hours" she really did not like that comment.

Even though she has called him a bum on several occasions. I am so sick and tired of her family. These two bums can do nothing for themselves. It's pathetic. It has come down to the point that I am actually considering splitting up and shipping her back to scum town, It is obvious her son up there needs her constant attention. I am through being the "nice guy" I am through taking taking care of her. It is time for me to start taking care of myself. I am not going to think of her first any longer. If being with her is a detriment to my health, I'm going ship her off, simple as that.  I told her yesterday I am no longer going to think of her first any more. We had a little tift in the doctors office that opened my eyes. She said some things that gave me a little insight into where she sees this relationship I think. Most of our fights are about her no-load family anyways.

The stress that these two no-loads pile onto us is mind boggling to say the least.

Other than that rant from above, I feel pretty good this morning. I had my 5th round of chemo yesterday, the nurse said my blood work looked amazing, so that's a plus. I just hope that these chemo drugs I'm taking are doing their job. I hope and pray they are.

Well that's it for my 4th of July post. They are calling for rain today, I really don't feel like BBQing, even if the bum does come over.

Later All, God Bless


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